Nice, the shading is alright and i like that the lines are coloured, also, did you really created a character with the letters LOL in the t-shirt when you were in kindergarten? hahaha
Nice, the shading is alright and i like that the lines are coloured, also, did you really created a character with the letters LOL in the t-shirt when you were in kindergarten? hahaha
Actually yea xD funny thing: LOL standed for me at this time for: Lustiger orangen Löffel. Means something like: Funny Orange Spoon xD LOL weren't existing at this time but the funny thing is that i probably invented it xD maybe not meant to be like "Laugh out Loud" but ... I INVENTED IT OKAY? XD
This is the one i like most, the minimalistic look makes it look awesome
These guys below me, the ones who said this is "Socially incorrect", they must be joking, if they are not, i completely lost my sense of being "Socially correct", i mean, i don't see anything that could be offensive or "wrong" here, unless you are a selfish, close-minded, male chauvinist... oh, and racist too, frech people are completely normal, like everyone. I mean, seriously, there are things out there a lot worse than this, and the fact that the woman is the one chasing the man in lustful way here is what brings your attention? I thought we were on the 21 century. OH WATCH OUT!, SHE IS SHOWING HER ANKLES!!
About the art, i love the care to detail, i love the face of the girl, but it's still missing something, i think it's the colours of the background, too desaturated colors or something, but don't take that too seriously, i't not like i am an expert or something... Maybe giving the whole piece more saturated colours could look good, who knows
i honestly dont believe they were serious, i mean really , it would be colossally stupid... about the background , i agree with you. i wasn't going to do a background, i was going to keep it simple... but nope, it bit me in the ass and it didn't turn out how i wanted it to be
I see this one has your seal of quality too
How long did it take? It's awesome +10000
oh hey thanks!
I worked on it for about a week with an average of maybe five hours per day, so i guess i spent something like 30 or 40 hours with the whole thing.
Its still not finished yet, and there are a lots of spots of which i wished i could work on, but i had to leave and so i have to call it finished (:
Omg the blue poneh is better, purple poneh is like OMG I HAV TO STUDY while blu poneh is laik YOLO SWAG GOTTA GO FAST so 0/5 LOL
lol No Luna is bestest poneh!!!
The proportions are horrible again dude, i mean, geez i don't even know where are the boobs this time, fuck u man i can't fap to this girl, she looks ugly as shit fuk u fuk u suk ma dik mothafocka and shit why is her vagina right below her neck? gross!
Now seriously, you have improved the colouring and shading a lot, and i can still masturbate to this anyway.
yay :3c
The guy below me is right, the proportions are great, oh yeah and BOOBS OMG
Lol Thank you! >_< It's not easy to resist the need for boobs. :D
hey :)
Age 28, Male
Professional human.
The streets
Realm086 - Solar system
Joined on 9/15/12