Wow, terrific work man, i didn't know who Giger was, but i'm pretty sure he would like this.
Wow, terrific work man, i didn't know who Giger was, but i'm pretty sure he would like this.
Thank you! And I think you know some of his work, he's the person behind the Xenomorph designs in the Alien movies. :)
Holy shit that's amazing xD
Altough my eyes hurt now...
Man this looks so nice, is it an actual design for a Nike t-shirt? Because i would totally wear it. Also that tool is amazing, thanks for sharing man! :)
Thanks yo! Actually I just had this idea of this running guy and it somehow contained the word 'Nike' but not really connected to the brand but more to the word itself. So as long as Nike dont comes along to print this shit it will be just a tons of pixels on the internetzz :)
Yes, interesting choice for Pico day, variety is good. The only thing i can think of to critique this is that maybe you could have added more variety of poses to the characters represented here, i know the center of attention is the magic that the lizard is performing, and thus the characters should be looking at it or it would be a mess, but they could be commenting it between them, or maybe put the fox character that seems to be startled at the right of the image, and the characters next to it looking at him, maybe laughing, that would have made the image more balanced because all the action seems to be happening in the left, with the lizard and the fox.
Anyway, the rest is pretty good, nice job man :)
Fair enough. Thanks for the review! :)
You should have written "Pico was here" near the butt or something like that haha, but anyway Tom Fulp's face makes up for that, hilarious xD.
Mr. Metalpants is my fav altough i would have given him some shoulder pads or something that gave him a more authority look or something like that. Also his pose, looking to the side and with the arms in that position makes him look more fabulous than scary or manly, you know xD
Thanks alot for the feedback.
I intendet to make him look a bit more relaxed which is why I did not give him pads or a generals jacket. I see how it may conflict with the overall appearance though and a more authoritarian design may have brought better results.
Also, nothing's wrong with being fabulous. :D
Practice a bit drawing from photos, that would add more quality to these drawings you are doing lately, anatomy and all that boring stuff lol
Uh, yeah, that's what I do.
This looks great, i like how you used orange for almost everything but then added that subtle blue light around the alien and the particles floating around the air, they are complementary colors that's why it works so well. You know what would have been pretty cool? If there was some light inside the helmet of the guy, and he had a terrified look in his face, or some ray of light that was illuminating his face, that way you would have a stronger point of interest, right now you have the alien and the guy hiding, with the face you would have the alien and a terrified guy hiding. I see that you drew the face there but it's barely visible, anyway that's just a personal opinion and depends on what you wanna comunicate with the artwork. Well done man ^^
What a nice meaty review, I appreciate ya taking the time to write that! :D And I see what you're saying about the face, I just was afraid I would over do it. :p
Thank you though!
Dude, your stuff is always really amazing, specially the way you draw females, the experience shows through the lines and shapes and with the soft colors you use it's very pleasant to the eye, keep up the gret work man ^^
Cool, his cigarrette needs a lighter though, haha!
Thanks! But that's actually a syringe, haha.
hey :)
Age 28, Male
Professional human.
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Realm086 - Solar system
Joined on 9/15/12