Thanks for scouting me again!
I'm gonna try and make better art next time and maybe I won't unscout us again...
Implying that I was really the one that unscouted us.
hey :)
Age 28, Male
Professional human.
The streets
Realm086 - Solar system
Joined on 9/15/12
Thanks for scouting me again!
I'm gonna try and make better art next time and maybe I won't unscout us again...
Implying that I was really the one that unscouted us.
It's possible that the guy who scouted you got unscouted. Like these words are deep, we fell with him into the dephtness of unscoutness.
Copyright Daker777NG 2013. Do not distribute, all rights reserved.
You in the basement?
Why would i be in the basement? Because my words are so deep that you think i'm underground? If that's so i should be in the dephts of hell, for the deepness of these words are passionate as the fire of hell itself and they burn in your head making you realize the beauty of life and the briefness of it.
Copyright Daker777NG 2013. Do not distribute, all rights reserved.
The depths of hell is where I dwell, so when I speak my words are deep.
(C) Cyberdevil 2013.
Shit, that's deep.
so deep the light cant reach you
Sup dawg, I herd you like deep shit so we put a drill on your ganmen so you can pierce the heavens while you dig!
Deep words..? Like a poem?
Like the poem of life, which is deep, and these words are deep, and... yeah